Photos of the week!
Pics of the week Jan ’20
Some pics from this wet, dull week in January
Mylo joins BDWS
Mylo joins his sister for a walk
Pics of the week
Pics from this Autumn week!
Pics from this gorgeous week!
Lots of pics in the sunny weather
BDWS turns 9 years old!
A short video celebrating my ninth year dog walking.
Brodie and Dior visit the beach
The pups get walked at Erskine beach
Dior joins BDWS
Dior is a 15 week old French Bulldog and lives with Levi
Brodie visits the Knapps
17 week old Brodie visits the Knapps in Kilmacolm
First pics of 2019
I take pics of the dogs in the snow and ice
A Sunday with the dogs and my drone
A short video of my day off
This week I’m off!
I have been doing some test videos before I became sick…
At Parklea with my new camera
Testing out my new pocket camera
Dog walking photos for August 2018
Some pics from this weeks walks
Some pics from June
Pics from this week in June
May Day
Some photos from the last week
Pets Pawtraits
Ruby and Flo get their portraits done
The Beast from the East ?
Storm Emma finally hits the UK
Overtoun House, Dunbartonshire
A wee trip with the dogs to Overtoun Estate and Lang Craigs
A day with Dexter
Dexter the Springer Spaniel spends the day with BDWS
Mar Hall Woods, Erskine
A winters dog walk at the Mar Hall woods