Dog walking in Spring
The Great British Bark Off
I act as a consultant for The Sun about an article on dog food
The Crazy gang
A Saturday walk with this lot!
Lexi joins BDWS
Lexi meets the gang in a week of fun
A Saturday with Duffy, Daisy and Okami
Okami, Daisy and Duffy in a morning walk at Knockmountain.
Jess joins the team for one week!
Finlaystone resident Jess the beagle joins BDWS for the week.
Sharing my birthday with the dogs
Some pics from my birthday week ??
A lovely frosty day at the beach
A cold but lovely February morning
A puppy party
Bertie joins fellow pups Wade and Ella for a party
I take a wee winter break to Lanzarote
Lola joins BDWS
Young Lola the Boxer dog joins the team
Wade joins BDWS
Wade the 14 week old GSD goes on a group walk
The Scout Trail
A walk at a very quiet Finlaystone
Pics of the day
Just a nice sunny day to use the camera
Some new dogs join the fun while their dog walker is on her hols
Rothesay, Isle of Bute
A doggy day out to Rothesay and the Isle of Bute
I’ve got a new van! ?
My new dog walking van
Flo’s first trip to Finlaystone
I’ve got a new pup! ?
Meet Flo the Springer Spaniel
Dexter visits the Knapps
Dexter joins his new pals for a walk in Kilmacolm
Roxy and Alfie
Pups Roxy and Alfie go to the beach