Alfie the working cocker spaniel puppy joins BDWS
Bishopton day 2014
Bishopton’s 42nd Gala event
Millport, Great Cumbrae
I take a friend and our dogs to Great Cumbrae!
Levi gets the Finlaystone tour
Levi and friends get walked at Finlaystone
Win £100 to spend at
Win £100 to spend online at swell pets
Springer Sunday
Dog walking 4 springers in Erskine
Holly and Seonaidh join BDWS
Finlaystone dogs, Holly and Seonaidh join BDWS
A group walk with Okami
Okami and the dogs at Erskine beach
Jet and the team visit Finlaystone
Jet meets the dogs on the Finlaystone walk
Holly, Skye, Jack, Nevis, Beau and Elsa
A morning walk at Erskine beach
Lola the Dalmatian
Lola the Dalmatian joins Elsa for her first walk
Jasper joins BDWS
Jasper takes his first walk with me and the dogs
Daisy & Duffy join the gang!
Daisy and Duffy’s first group walk
Walking Dumgoyne, Campsie Fells
Ruby and I walk Dumgoyne hill
Mylo meets the Langbank crew!
Mylo gets dog walked in Langbank
Misty and Ozzie
Misty and Ozzie join the team
Copper and Jet join BDWS!
Cocker spaniels Jet and Copper
Jet joins BDWS
Erskine lab Jet takes her first walk
Knockmountain, Kilmacolm
We find a new place to walk the dogs
BDWS welcomes Rocky!
Rocky’s first walk
Mylo joins BDWS
Mylo take his first walk with BDWS