Low fat, healthy dog treat recipe
Lentils are an excellent source of iron, fibre and 2nd class protein. Being low in calories but high in fibre helps dogs that seem hungry all the time to feel more full. Great for dogs on a diet or having a history of not self-emptying full anal glands. Once a manual gland emptying starts then you got it for life without dietary changes .
Whilst they are a great supplements for diabetic pets; as they help prevent blood sugar spiking, they should only be given in small quantities to dogs that have a diagnosed history of heart problems. They do not cause but can affect so If anyone needs guidance regarding either conditions and diet please comment below.
For these treats we are gonna roll into balls but you can use doggy silicone moulds too.
By Bev Cobley for BDWS
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 110g (4 oz) grated cheese
- 1 tin of carrots (rinsed out)
- 200g (7oz) split red lentils rinsed and drained
- 110g (4 oz) rolled oats
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1½ pints of chicken stock

1. Make 1½ pints of chicken stock.

2. Put 200g (7oz) of rinsed red lentils in a pan and cover with just enough stock, keeping back any extra .

3. Add 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of lemon juice.

4. Bring to the boil and cook for 20 minutes until lentils are well cooked and soft.

5. Strain lentils reserving any stock adding it to stock left in jug.

6. Place the drained lentils in a bowl. Now add the wash rinsed tinned carrots.

7. Whilst still warm mash down or pulse the carrots and lentils.

8. Add a teaspoon of Tumeric.

9. Add 110g (4oz) of grated cheese to bowl.

10. Stir the ingredients through. The mixture needs to be firm but with all oats well mixed in …add more stock if required.

11. Add 110g (4oz) of rolled oats to bowl.

12. Add 2 tbsp of honey and give it all a good mix.

13. I now have the dog’s attention.

14. Grease your baking tray.

15. Roll onto balls and lay on tray. These ones are slightly smaller than a golf ball. What size you make is up to you.

16. Important! Place in middle shelf of a preheated oven at 160c (Gas Mark 3) then start checking after 30 mins but can take up to 50 mins to cook as they are cooking slowly.

17. Once they begin to brown they are pretty much done. They will be soft and fragile when they are hot after taking them out of oven but really firm up as they cool. Leave to cool.