Offal dog food recipe
Lites (plucks) are animal lungs and sold as offal…they are used in haggis and in faggots and often minced and added to pork for sausages…they are a main food used in tinned dog food, but as tinned dog food is 80% water you are paying a high price for a very cheap source of meat…think about this…if you pay £1 per tin then you are paying 80p for the water and 20p for the meat content and and vegetable scraps added…as an average they are composed of 75% good quality protein and 25% easily digestible fats…most game registered butchers will sell you lites very cheaply and because of the high protein content dogs don’t need much of them…
My dogs love their lite dinners…yours will too!
To make dog food using offal, you will need lungs (aka lites/pluck tops) or Lung, heart combo (aka Plucks) veg trimmings such as potato/carrot/parsnip peelings…the leaves and stalks from cabbage/cauliflower/broccoli etc or a diced up turnip/swede …my dogs love peas and beans and lentils ..but any veg that is going a bit limp and sorry for itself is good…but no onions…add a packet of cheap couscous/pasta…or if your dog isn’t rice sensitive then cheap rice.

Wash lites

Place in a large pot and cover with water

Bring to the boil and cook for 20/30 minutes

Remove from pot

Add veg trimmings such as potato/carrot/parsnip peelings etc with pasta to stock

Dice the cooked lites and mix with the pasta/rice and veg.

Allow to cool and divide into portions, freezing what you’re not using in the next 2 days