Jelly Baby recipe for dogs

by Jamie Shanks | Jan 14, 2017 | 0 comments

Are these the healthiest dog treats in the world?

For this recipe all you need is gelatin, bone broth, a little garlic paste and a mould to set it in – how could it be any easier than that?  Not just super tasty but super healthy too.  Gelatin is great for the skin, nails, coat and joints. Bone broth is anti inflammatory, great for the blood, the immune system and aids digestion.  Garlic keep fleas, ticks and worms away, cleans the blood and is anti fungal, anti bacterial and antiviral.  But isn’t garlic bad for dogs?

No sugar, no gluten, no preservatives, just pure goodness in a tasty treat that your dog will love.  Just 3 ingredients needed to make this simple dog treat recipe that makes your dog even healthier!

Previously I told you how to make your own bone broth recipe since it’s so good for dogs and making it is a lot cheaper than buying it.  I use this pressure cooker and it means I can make bone broth for the price of some bones which any decent butcher will give you for free! Bone broth is a real super food that helps boost your dogs immune system and overall health but if you don’t want to make it you can buy it pre-made here.

You can get pet shaped Jelly Baby moulds from here or you can use a Gummy bear mould instead.  I’ll be using a a gelatin you can get online as it’s perfect for dogs as it’s suger free and natural but any gelatin will do!


2 ½ tablespoons of gelatin, 140ml (1/2 cup) of bone broth, ¼ teaspoon of garlic paste.


jelly bean dog treat ingredients

Everything we need is here
adding gelatin to bone broth

Pour in the bone broth
adding garlic to a pot

Add a 1/4 teaspoon of garlic paste to pot
stirring gummy bear mix

Add 2 1/2 tablespoons of gelatin
jug filled with bone broth gummy mix

Heat gently on a low heat for about 10 mins until all the gelatin has dissolved. Stirring regularly.
filling gummy bear mould

Once it’s all ready, pour into a jug and then pour into the mould before it cools
filled gummy bear mould

Leave for 15 mins till they begin to set then place in fridge. They should set like soft rubber
jelly baby for dogs

All done and they look and taste doggylicious!
dogs sitting for a treat

Duffy’s had one and now she wants more!
gummy bear dog treats

Use a different mould and you can make Gummy bear dog treats instead!

How to store

As a general guide if meat protein is present in recipe then it will last around 3 to 5 days stored in a cool place.  If it has second class protein in it eg. cheese, lentils, eggs, etc, then they will store for about 10 days in a cool place. You can use cake tins lined with baking paper – greaseproof. If there is no meat or second class proteins present then it will last around 3 weeks before they go soft like human biscuits.

Buy the book!

These dog treat recipes are now available to buy in book on Amazon.   An ideal gift!
dog treat recipe book
raw pig ears

By Jamie Shanks

BDWS is owned and run by me, Jamie Shanks. I’ve been a professional dog walker since 2010. When I’m not walking dogs, I’m usually at home entertaining my three dogs and attending to five hens and my vegetable garden. 


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