- Birth: 26th April 2003
- Death: 17th March 2010
- Breed: Collie X
- Location: Bishopton
- Places walked: Erskine beach, Bishopton
- Most likely walked with: Ruby
Collie Cross
This is Juno… My first dog and what a sweetie he was. So loyal and devoted to just me. Had to be with me wherever I went and loved sleeping on my lap or cosying up under the covers in bed. I got Juno from Lamont farm where he and his siblings were rescued and looking for new owners – he was just a tiny pup. I picked Juno as we connected straight away and he came over to me and we just bonded.
Juno loved playing ball and I got help from a behaviourist to help with his recall, teaching him how to swim and give the ball to hand and it was really good for him and myself. Unfortunately Juno had health issues and was very ill at least once a year. We had trouble finding out what was wrong as he would just recover but one day I noticed his gums were yellowish even though he seemed fine. I took him to the vets and he began to fall ill. Just a few days later he passed away still a young dog.