Ruby and Maisie join BDWS

by Jamie Shanks | May 21, 2020 | 0 comments

Since lockdown started puppy classes have stopped and outside people avoid each other.  So how are owners meant to socialise young pups?  Well, a fun and friendly group walk with well socialised and well behaved dogs is as good a way if not better than a puppy class.

Today, puppies Ruby and Maisie did just that and had their first walk together.  Ruby is a 15 week old Apricot Cockapoo and Maisie is a 18 weeks old Sprocker.

They were walked alongside Lexi (who Maisie lives with) and Ella, another cockapoo and very friendly.  It was the perfect group for two very young pups and they had a ball.

Maisie is fearless, but Ruby is a little shy, and lockdown meant she hasn’t met so many dogs, but she did so well and was off for 45 mins and when you consider she only just met me and the other dogs minutes before, she did fantastically.

Both Lexi and Ella became nannies for the pups and helped show them how much fun the walks are.

You can’t see it in the pics, but unfortunately, the weather wasn’t good and it had only just stopped raining.  If it had been as nice as it was in the afternoon I could have got so much better photos.  Still, there’s always next time.

If you have a puppy and would like them to go on a friendly group walk then please get in touch.

Need the dog walked?  Get in touch today .

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By Jamie Shanks

BDWS is owned and run by me, Jamie Shanks. I’ve been a professional dog walker since 2010. When I’m not walking dogs, I’m usually at home entertaining my three dogs and attending to five hens and my vegetable garden. 

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